Feeling Frisky...For Whiskey?
Baby it’s cold outside. There are many ways to warm up on a bitter cold evening… but sometimes all you need is a tasty beverage. But what? Whiskey? A Dark Lager? Both?
In the spirit of trying new things, four months ago, our Brew Master, Jay, got a crazy idea. He dared to merge two of his favourite things... It took four months for this experiment to fully mature, but the product was worth every minute
The non-professionals have described it as “Woahhh, that’s incredible”. Some would even say “crafty”.....or maybe it’s a “slam-DUNK” if you will.
If you are feeling adventurous, looking for a stocking stuffer, or just feeling crippled by decisions. Head over to The District Brewing Co., or the Quance SLGA, and grab yourself a growler of this limited edition, small batch brew. You can get one for a “friend” too.
The District Drinker