Jeff Lukomski, Sales Manager

Jeff Lukomski is the guy who gets all your favorite District Brewing Co. beer into stores and pubs near you! He joined District in January 2017 as our sales representative “because I love working with people and always being on the go.” He has a hankering for black cherry ice cream, enjoys all kinds of sporting and outdoors activities (even wishes he was Jesus Shuttlesworth from the movie He Got Game at times because basketball is his first love), and dreams of District’s German Pilsner when he’s not at work. In January of 2023, Jeff became the Sales Manager for District! His coaching keeps the Sales Team focused on their goals.
His happiest (and most embarrassing) memory since joining the team was the moment of truth that came when he got found himself with a flat tire on the way to working an event—he did not know how to change a tire. In a panic and turn of events, the father-in-law of District’s general manager, Joe van Heerden came to his rescue to change the spare. It’s a good thing he’s such a people person because who knows what would happen if he were operating the brewing equipment…
Jeff recommends District Brewing Co.’s German Pilsner Lager